Photoemission studies of the Cu-InP(110) interface

The atomic and electronic structure of Cu-(n-type) InP(110) interface has been studied by soft-x-ray photoemission spectroscopy and Auger spectroscopy for copper coverages ranging from 0.7 to 80 Å. By monitoring the evolution of the P 2p and In 4d core-level spectra and the change of the Cu 3d level, which is degenerate with the substrate valence band, we provide evidence of strong intermixing taking place at the interface. A strong outward diffusion of phosphorous into the copper overlayer and indium segregation at the surface have been observed. A splitting of the phosphorous L2,3VV Auger line has been observed for Cu coverages higher than 8 Å. This splitting, similar to that observed for silicides, provides evidence of bond formation between Cu and P. On the basis of the P 2p32 line shift, a Schottky-barrier height of 0.6 eV has been established.