Cortico-adrenal extract prepared by a slight modification of the Swingle and Pfiffner method produced hypertrophy of the ovaries and uteri of [female] rats from 26 litters. Male rats treated similarly showed inhibition of testicular size. Increased growth in body weight over their controls was produced in 4 series of young rats; in each series the [female] animals treated with extract showed a greater increase in body weight than did their [male] litter-mates. Statistically, this increase is significant for the [female][female] and doubtful for the [male][male]. Complete adrenalectomy suppressed the oestrual cycle of [female] rats. Adequate treatment with cortico-adrenal extract restored the normal oestrual cycle; this may or may not have been preceded by the recovery of normal body weight. Marked atrophy of the reproductive system followed adrenalectomy. The ovaries showed persistent corpora lutea and few growing follicles, while considerable degeneration and disorganization were present in the testes. Repair in both ovaries and testes followed treatment with cortico-adrenal extract. No oestrogenic property could be demonstrated in cortico-adrenal extract.

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