Branchiomotor activities in mouse embryo

Using a novel isolated hindbrain in vitro preparation, we demonstrate that, in the mouse, branchiomotor activities from trigeminal, facial, glossopharyngeal and vagal nerves start during segmentation, a crucial and conserved period of hindbrain embryogenesis. At embryonic day (E) 10.5, branchiomotor nerves are independently active in bursts, become coactive at a low frequency (about 0.5 min−1 at E12.5, before high frequency (about 15 min−1) fetal breathing starts at E14.5. Comparison with observations in chick reveals a transient episodic rhythmic pattern highly similar in mouse at E13.5 and chick at E7. This pattern is proposed as a marker identifying a phylotypic stage during the development of hindbrain neuronal networks in vertebrates.