Starting from a general expression of Glick and Long [Phys. Rev. B 4, 3455 (1971)] for the imaginary part of the frequency- and wave-number-dependent dielectric function ε(k,ω) of an electron gas in a two-particlehole pair excitation approximation, an asymptotic expression for ε2(k,ω) is derived, which is valid for any wave number k provided ω is much higher than a certain characteristic k-dependent frequency. The formula for ε2(k,ω) is cast in a form suitable for application to any arbitrary potential v(k) in three-, two-, and one-dimensional space. In the case of D=3 and the Coulomb potential v(k) our result is the same as that of Glick and Long, although its region of validity is now larger. As a specific example, the damping of plasmons in a 2D electron gas has been calculated. Also, an interpolation formula for the complex local-field factor G(k,ω) in a 2D electron gas has been derived. The latter immediately leads to an expression for the ω-dependent exchange-correlation potentiala result analogous to the one derived by Gross and Kohn in the 3D case. The asymptotic expression for ε2(k,ω) is used in paper II to calculate the damping of zero sound in normal liquid He3.