Experimental Parvoviral Infection in Humans

Healthy adult volunteers were inoculated intranasally with human parvovirus obtained from an asymptomatic blood donor. One week after inoculation, intense viremia was observed in seronegative volunteers, accompanied by a mild illness with pyrexia, malaise, myalgia, itching, and excretion of virus from the respiratory tract. In the following week hematologic studies revealed reticulocytopenia with an associated slight drop in hemoglobin concentration, lymphopenia, neutropenia, and a drop in platelet counts. At 17–18 days after inoculation a second-phase illness with rash and arthralgia lasting three to four days occurred in three of four infected volunteers. This study confirms the etiologic role of human parvovirus in erythematous rash illness, with the second-phase illness being consistent with adult cases of erythema infectiosum. Moreover, the hematologic changes associated with infection support the hypothesis that the same virus is responsible for the temporary arrest of erythropoiesis that leads to aplastic crisis in persons with chronic hemolytic anemia.