The highly polarized secretory ameloblasts in the incisors of rats fixed by perfusion with glutar‐aldehyde two or three hours after intravenous administration of vinblastine sulfate at a dosage of 5 mg per 100 g body weight were studied in the light microscope and the electron microscope. The following effects were observed: 1. All cytoplasmic microtubules in the ameloblasts had vanished. This was not accompanied by the appearance of paracrystals of microtubular protein or macrotubules. 2. The ameloblasts preserved their external features of polarized cells but lost their ability to maintain normal orderly segregation of the cell constituents; i.e. their normal internal compartmentalization and polarity had vanished. 3. The ameloblasts lost their capability of directional translocation of the secretory granules towards the cell apex. 4. Secretory granules already translocated to the cell apex regurgitated in the cell and a probably delayed discharge of secretory material had started in abnormal site at the surface. 5. The normal arrangement of ribosomes into polyribosomes on the membranes of the rough endoplasmic reticulum was no longer present; the ribosomes were apparently distributed at random. 6. New secretion was inhibited or brought to a standstill but secretory material already present in the Golgi complex appeared to be transported normally. 7. The centriole had started to develop into a cilium in many of the cells. 8. The number of autophagic vacuoles had increased.