Gibberellic acid (GA3) and abscisic acid (ABA) control the transcription of α-amylase genes in barley aleurone cells. This control is likely to be exerted through cis-acting hormone-responsive elements in the promoter region of the gene. In order to further define these elements, we have developed procedures for obtaining transient expression of chimaeric genes in protoplasts prepared from mature barley aleurone layers. Constructs with heterologous constitutive promoters and with heterologous and homologous GA3- and ABA-regulated promoters were expressed specifically by these cells. This system would appear to offer great potential in gene regulation studies especially for hormonally regulated homologous genes. Functional analysis of a barley α-amylase gene has been performed using this system. A 2050 bp fragment from a high-pI α-amylase gene was fused to a reporter gene (GUS) and control of its expression was examined. Deletion analysis of this promoter fragment showed that major GA- and ABA-responsive elements occurred between 174 and 41 bp upstream from the transcription initiation site.