Lokalisace kvselé fosfatázy v difereneujícím se koìenovém meristému

The localization of acid phosphatase was studied by Gomori’s newer technique and by azo-coupling methods (α-naphthyl phosphate + fast red ITR or fast garnet GBC; AS or AS D phosphate + fast blue B or fast red violet LB) in the root tips ofVicia faba L. on paraffin sections (fixation with Wolman’s acidified ethanol) and on frozen sections (fixation with Baker’s calcium formol). Analogous results were obtained on the material treated in various ways and using different methods. In the broad bean, the reaction is most intense in the cap. In the meristematic zone, the primary core is more intensely stained than the ground parenchyma of the central cylinder. The phloem and xylem poles are usually strongly positive. Using both types of methods on Wolman fixed paraffin embedded material, essentially the same localization of acid phosphatase was found in the root tips ofRicinus communis L.,Lupinus luteus L.,Sinapis alba L.,Allium cepa L. as in the broad bean. InZea mays L. the rhizodermis and the hypodermic layers of the primary core were found to be most active. On sections of Wolman fixed paraffin embedded broad bean the most intense reaction was observed at pH 4.2–4.8. In the same material, both the azo-coupling and the Gomori reaction is inhibited by 10=2 M NaF, but 10−2 M tartaric acid only inhibits the Gomori reaction.