Fixed Poles in Compton Amplitudes, and the Pomeranchukon Coupling

The nonperturbative formulation of the parton model is used to discuss the Regge properties of current amplitudes at fixed q2. It is shown that, in addition to j=1 wrong-signature fixed poles due to third-spectral-function effects, there are further poles of this type associated with current-algebra anticommutators. The two types of poles combine additively with each other and multiplicatively with even-signature Regge poles. Their consequences for the coupling of the Pomeranchukon, for gauge invariance, and for deep-inelastic scattering are investigated. In particular, it is found that the coupling of the Pomeranchukon in the total cross section for photoproduction arises solely from the third-spectral-function effects and not from the current-algebra fixed pole; hence it cannot be calculated with present knowledge. The existence of a right-signature j=0 fixed pole with residue linear in q2 is also confirmed.