Karyotype diversity and genomic variability in some Indian tree mangroves

Investigation on karyotype and genomic characteristics of 11 Indian tree mangroves belonging to the family Bignoniaceae, Malvaceae, Myrsinaceae, Rhizophoraceae and Sterculiaceae revealed wide genetic variation. Numerical and structural alteration of chromosomes at intergeneric and interspecific level were manifested in the species specific genome length, volume and form percentage of the karyotype. Somatic chromosome number varied from 2n = 26 in Thespesia populnea of Malvaceae to 2n = 44 in Aegiceras comiculatum of Myrsinaceae. The members of Rhizophoraceae and Sterculiaceae showed 2n = 34, 36, 38 chromosomes in the root tip cells. Correlation coefficient studies among the cytological parameters showed significant progressive interdependence within the species. Critical differences in the average genome length and genome volume showed significant variation.