States inCd106populated by heavy-ion (xn) reactions interpreted by a two-quasiparticle-plusrotor model

Levels in Cd106 were studied using (heavy-ion, xnγ) reactions. The experiments included γ-ray yields as a function of bombarding energy, γ-ray angular distributions, γ-ray linear polarizations, and γγ coincidence measurements. The decay scheme, which includes 85 γ-ray transitions, is similar to those reported for Cd108 and Pd102,104,106. In addition to the ground-state band, there appear two negative-parity collective bands built on two quasineutron states. The yrast positive-parity states appear dominated by intruder states at 8+, 3044.23 keV (two-quasiproton), 10+, 4435.08 keV (two-quasineutron), and 12+, 4659.81 keV (four-quasiparticle). The results are compared to calculations from a two-quasiparticle plus slightly deformed rotor model which utilizes a variable moment of inertia.