Collective excitation ofPd101following (heavy ion,xn) reactions

States excited by the Ru99(α,2nγ)Pd101, Sr88(O16,3nγ)Pd101, and Zr92(C12,3nγ)Pd101 reactions have been studied by measuring the γ-ray yield as a function of incident projectile energy, γγ coincidences, γ-ray angular distributions, and γ-ray linear polarizations. Three intense γ-ray cascades were observed. These cascades are produced by quasirotational bands built on the 5/2+, 7/2+, and 11/2 intrinsic states of the nucleus. A decay scheme is given which includes states with energy up to 6488 keV and angular momentum up to 35/2. The quasirotational bands seen in Pd101 are similar to the bands in the adjacent even-even nuclei which suggests that this odd-A nucleus can be described as a particle decoupled from an even-even core. A cascade of seven γ rays in Rh102 was also observed following the Zr92(C12,p n)Rh102 reaction.