The Isolation of Furfuryl Alcohol from Heated Skimmilk

A method for removing and purifying the ethyl ether-soluble substance of heated skim milk is presented. Using this method in combination with a vacuum distillation technic, it was possible to isolate furfuryl alcohol in a fairly high state of purity from heated skim milk. Confirmatory evidence of the presence of furfuryl alcohol is given by the results of qualitative tests and the prepn. of suitable derivatives. The control expt. demonstrated that furfuryl alcohol is a compound generated in milk by heat and is not a normal constituent of unheated milk. The authors feel that although the significance of furfuryl alcohol as an end product of the heat-induced chemical reactions in skim milk is not entirely evident at this time, the knowledge of its presence promises to be valuable in further clarifying the nature of browning and caramelized flavor developments in milk and milk products.