Etude de la valeur alimentaire des pailles de céréales traitées ou non à la soude. II. - Influence de la nature du complément énergétique

The feeding value of NaOH-treated or untreated cereal straws is modified by the nature of the energy supplement fed to the animals. To measure this variation, 3 trials were carried out on sheep. In the 1st trial, a treated straw was given with grass silage, beet-pulp silage, maize silage and maize-grain. In the 2nd trial, an untreated wheat-straw was given with maize-grain or a highly digestible green forage. In the 3rd trial, straw both before and after treatment was given along with a maize-based concentrate or grass silage. Digestibilities of all supplements are given. The composition of the straws and these supplements are reported. The straw intake was higher with maize-grain. It decreased when the fill value of the supplements increased. Straw digestibility decreased when sheep were fed maize-grain. The restriction of straw limited the effects of concentrate type on digestibility. In 2 trials the different cell-wall constituents were measured. (Van Soest method) to get a better understanding of the mechanism governing the studied effects. The calculated digestibilities of hemicelluloses and cellulose Van Soest are given. The importance of the nature of carbohydrates in the straw-supplements on the cellulolytic activity of the rumen liquor as well as the importance of the fill value of these supplements are emphasized. When this fill value increased the straw intake decreased and digestion was more complete.