The structure of the Sea of the Hebrides Basin: an integrated gravity and seismic model

Synopsis: By combining seismic and gravity data for the Sea of the Hebrides Basin it has been possible to overcome problems of sea bed multiples and poor energy transmission in seismic data where a sediment starved sea floor and extensive igneous intrusions and volcanic rocks close to the sea bed have previously inhibited detailed interpretation of the basin structure. Models for the basin structure, partly constrained by the seismic data, parallel to the dip and strike of the basin show a good correlation between calculated and observed gravity anomalies and are consistent with the onshore geology. The basin has a half graben geometry with late-Triassic syn-rift sediments thickening toward the eastward dipping Minch Fault, overlain by post-rift Jurassic sediments. Early Tertiary volcanism was followed by Oligocene extensional faulting.