Some Factors Influencing the Reducing Systems in Dry Whole Milk

The substances which reduce thiamin disulfide are derived from the heat treatment of serum proteins and represent only a portion of the materials oxidized by ferricyanide. The thiamin disulfide-reducing substances appear to be associated with increased resistance to oxidation when present in dry whole milk but do not decrease in quantity as the milk fat is oxidized. The presence of oxygen in milk being preheated depresses the amt. of reducing substances produced. The rate of production of thiamin disulfide-reducing substances decreases with increase in the solids content of heated milk and becomes negligible when solids concns. exceed 60%. The rate of production of acid ferricyanide-reducing substances in heated non-fat milk solids reaches a max. at about 90% solids. The thiamin disulfide and nitroprusside reagents measure the same or parallel reducing systems in heated milk.