A nation’s experience in laparoscopic cholecystectomy

In a national prospective multicenter study 3,722 laparoscopic cholecystectomies (LC) performed by 179 surgeons in 50 institutions were analyzed with special regard to technique and complications. Conversion to open cholecystectomy was necessary in 259 patients (7.0%), either without intraoperative complications (4.5%) or due to intraoperative complications (2.5%). Three patients (0.08%) died within 30 days after operation and a total of 39 patients (1.0%) had to be reoperated; 22 (0.6%) bile duct injuries were registered. Common bile duct (CBD) stones were treated mainly by ERCP. In eight cases laparoscopic removal of common bile duct stones was attempted, and it was performed successfully in six patients. Postoperatively patients were discharged home after a mean of 4.4 days and returned to work after 14.0 days (range: 2–28).