The costs for discovering and developing new drugs continue to escalate, with current estimates that the average cost is more than $800 million for each new drug brought to the market. Pharmaceutical companies are under enormous pressure to increase their efficiency for bringing new drugs to the market by third-party payers, shareholders, and their patients, and at the same time regulators are placing increased demands on the industry. To be successful in the future, pharmaceutical companies must change how they discover and develop new drugs. So far, new technologies have done little to increase overall efficiency of the industry and have added additional costs. Platform technologies such as monoclonal antibodies and antisense oligonucleotides have the potential of reducing costs for discovery of new drugs, in that many of the steps required for traditional small molecules can be skipped or streamlined. Additionally the success of identifying a drug candidate is much higher with platform technologies compared to small molecule drugs. This review will highlight some of the efficiencies of antisense oligonucleotide drug discovery compared to traditional drugs and will point out some of the current limitations of the technology.