Half-life ofPu241

The half-life of Pu241 was determined by studying the ingrowth of Am241 in two independent sets of experiments: (i) by α spectrometry taking Pu242 as well as Pu239 and Pu240 as reference isotopes, and (ii) by α proportional counting. In these experiments, separate synthetic mixtures, prepared by mixing different isotopes of plutonium, were used with an objective of obtaining periodically a desired change in the α activity ratio (as in α spectrometry) or in the total α activity (as in α proportional counting) and to measure this change with high precision and accuracy. In α spectrometry, from the 65 measurements carried out on five electrodeposited sources over a period of 574 days, a value of 14.37±0.09 yr was obtained for the half-life of Pu241. In the α proportional counting, from the 20 measurements carried out on five sources over a period of 704 days, a value of 14.50±0.08 yr was obtained. The average of these two independent determinations leads to a value of 14.44±0.06 yr for the half-life of Pu241. The uncertainty quoted on the values is a combination of one standard deviation on the average value and the error evaluated from estimates on various error components. The half-life obtained in this work is in good agreement with the results reported earlier from this laboratory by α spectrometry, taking Pu239 and Pu240 as reference isotopes as well as with the preliminary results reported by other laboratories using different methods.

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