Retinotopic organization within the lateral posterior complex of the cat

Electrophysiological mapping methods were employed to systematically study the retinotopic organization within the cat's lateral posterior complex (LP). Visual responses were recorded in all the major subdivisions of the LP as well as in several adjoining cell groups. Specifically, separate representations of the visual field were identified for pulvinar, zones LPl‐c, LPl‐r, LPi, and LPm. Partial representations of the visual field were also evident in the geniculate wing, subdivisions of the lateral posterior shell, the inferior division of the posterior nuclear group, the suprageniculate nucleus, and the central lateral nucleus. Sufficient mapping observations were made to define the internal organization of major visual representations. Additionally, there was a very close correspondence between the mapping observations when they were compared with the cytoarchitectural criteria for recognizing functional cell groups (Updyke: J. Comp. Neurol. 219:143–181, '83).