Decay of the New NuclideNe24

The nuclide Ne24 has been produced by bombarding a neon gas target with 1.5-Mev tritons, the reaction being Ne22(t, p)Ne24. Beta and gamma scintillation spectrometers with coincidence circuits were used to study this nuclide. Ne24 decays with a half-life of 3.38±0.02 min, emitting negative beta groups of 1.98±0.05 and 1.10±0.05 Mev. This decay is also accompanied by gamma rays of 472±5 and 878±9 kev with relative intensities of 100 to 8, respectively. The excited levels in Na24 corresponding to the above transitions are at 0.472 and 1.35 Mev. The 0.472-Mev level is an isomeric state with a half-life of the order of 20 milliseconds. The spins and parities of the Na24 ground state, 0.472-Mev, and 1.35-Mev levels are 4+, 1+, and 1+, respectively. The Ne24-Na24 energy difference is 2.449±0.035 Mev, and the Ne24 mass is 24.001195±0.000040 atomic mass units.

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