The activity of the d-amino acid oxidase of the liver extracts was detd. by measuring the O2 consumption at 36.4[degree] of the reaction mixture in the Warburg apparatus, for a period of 1 hr. The reaction mixture contained 2.1 cc. liver extract, corresponding to 0.4 g. liver, 5[gamma] Ba salt of alloxazine-adenine-dinu-cleotide, 5 . 10-4 mol (44.5 mg.) d,l-alanine in 1 cc. M/2 phosphate (pH 8.0) or 1 cc. of the M/2 phosphate for the blank detn. If 1.65 mg. d( + )-phenylalanine was used, the O2 consumption in cc. was multiplied by 3.6 to obtain the O2 consumption when 44.5 mg. d,l-alanine was used. The organ extracts of rats with Walker tumors contained about half as much d-amino acid oxidase as organ extracts of normal rats. The liver extracts of guinea pigs and mice contained less, and the liver extracts of dogs contained more of the oxidase than those of normal rats. The liver extracts of young rats, 2-8 wks. old, contained much less of the oxidase than those of adult rats, but by the time the rats were 10-12 wks. old, the conc. of the oxidase had reached the adult value. The low values of young rats may be due to the influence of the diet of mother''s milk or to the undeveloped state of the young.

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