The opercular epithelium of the teleost Fundulus heteroclitus, when mounted in a lucite chamber under short-circuited conditions, secretes Cl at a rate equivalent to the short-circuit current (Isc). The transepithelial Na+ movements are passive and proceed by a paracellular pathway. The addition of 2 × 10−3 M Ba2+ to the serosal bathing solution inhibited the Isc 76.8% with no effect on the transepithelial conductance (Gt). The addition of 5 × 10−4 M Cu2+ to the mucosal bathing solution inhibited the Isc 79.6% and reduced the Gt 35.6%. These inhibitory effects of Ba2+ and Cu2+ on the Isc were initiated within 1 minute after exposure with maximum effects occurring within 20 and 30 minutes, respectively. Simultaneous 36Cl and 22Na+ unidirectional fluxes were performed on paired epithelia from the same fish. Serosal Ba2+ and mucosal Cu2+ inhibited the Cl secretory flux 30.2 and 58.9%, respectively. The resulting net Cl flux after inhibition was not significantly different from the mean measured Isc. Neither ion had significant effects on the Cl influx (mucosa to serosa) or the unidirectional Na fluxes. These results indicated that the effects of both Ba2+ and Cu2+ were most likely exclusive to the transcellular Cl pathway. Ba2+ is proposed to inhibit Cl secretion by blocking the basolateral K+ channels, depolarizing the cell, and reducing the electrochemical driving force for Cl across the apical membrane. Cu2+ is proposed to inhibit Cl secretion by blocking the apical membrane Cl channels. The results are in keeping with the proposed mechanism for Cl secretion by indicating that the Cl exit step across the apical membrane occurs via Cl conductive channels and is driven passively by a favorable electrical gradient.