Redeployment of trigeminal motor axons during metamorphosis

As a consequence of the degeneration and replacement of the jaw muscle fibers in the leopard frog, Rana pipiens, trigeminal motoneurons innervate different targets before and after metamorphosis. This investigation examined the morphological correlates of the reassignment of trigeminal motoneurons during the initial phases of myofiber turnover. Specifically, silver-cholinesterase histochemistry and electron microscopy were used to 1) identify the fate of motor axons within the neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) applied to degenerating larval myofibers and 2) to determine the origin(s) of the motor axons that innervate the postmetamorphic muscle fibers of the jaw. The results demonstrate that the NMJs are retained on larval myofibers throughout their degeneration and are readily identifiable on the residual larval basal laminae that remain after involution of the sarcoplasm. Light and electron microscopic observations provide evidence that both pre- and post-synaptic elements are present on the degenerating fibers. Furthermore, morphometric analyses indicate that the preponderance (86%) of motor axons supplying adult muscle fibers originates from the larval NMJs. This condition suggests that metamorphic redeployment of trigeminal motoneurons occurs through the resumption of growth at the axon terminal supplying larval muscle rather than through the proximal collateralization of these axons and resorption of larval terminals.