Relative Lipolytic Activities of Selected Catecholamines in the Mouse

The adipokinetic activities, relative to isoproterenol as 1,000, in sedated, phenoxybenzamine pretreated unfasted mice were: norepinephrine 540, epinephrine 330, N-t-butylnorepinephrine 130, isoetharine 30 and N-cyclopentylbutanefrine 10. These relative activities correlate (r = 0.88) with the medians of some previously defined β1-adrenoceptor activities, but not (r = < 0.1) with the medians of some previously defined β2-adrenoceptor activities. These findings are in accord with the previously suggested view that an α-, β1-, β2-adrenoceptor concept is in better accord with experimental evidence than is an α- and β-adrenoceptor one.