Interplasmid transposition of Drasopbila hobo elements in non-drosophilid insects

A modified hobo element from Drosophila melanogaster was introduced into embryos of the housefly, Musca domestica (family Muscidae) and the Queensland fruitfly, Bactrocera tryoni (family Tephritidae) to assess its ability to transpose. Hobo was capable of transposition in these species and transposition products had all of the hallmarks of hobo transposition products recovered from D. melanogaster, including the movement only of sequences precisely delimited by the inverted terminal repeats of hobo, the creation of an 8 by duplication of the insertion site and an absolute requirement for hobo-encoded transposase. Transposition of hobo into the target gene resulted in a non-random distribution of insertion sites, with 10 of 38 independent insertions into the same nucleotide position. The results indicate that hobo can transpose in heterologous species, further demonstrating the similarty of hobo to Ac (Activator) of Zea mays and Tam3 of Antirrhinum majus. Hobo has excellent potential to act as a gene vector or gene tagging agent in nondrosophilid insects.