Confronting Cosmological Simulations with Observations of Intergalactic Metals

Using the statistics of pixel optical depths, we compare HI, CIV and CIII absorption in a set of six high quality z ~ 3-4 quasar absorption spectra to that in spectra drawn from two different state-of-the-art cosmological simulations that include galactic outflows. We find that the simulations predict far too little CIV absorption unless the UVB is extremely soft, and always predict far too small CIII/CIV ratios. We note, however, that much of the enriched gas is in a phase (T ~ 10^5-10^7 K, overdensity ~ 0.1-10, Z >~0.1 Z_sol) that should cool by metal line emission -- which was not included in our simulations. When the effect of cooling is modeled, the predicted CIV absorption increases substantially, but the CIII/CIV ratios are still far too small because the density of the enriched gas is too low. Finally, we find that the predicted metal distribution is much too inhomogeneous to reproduce the observed probability distribution of CIV absorption. These findings suggest that strong z <~ 6 winds cannot fully explain the observed enrichment, and that an additional (perhaps higher-z) contribution is required.Comment: Accepted by Ap J Lett. 4+ ApJL-style pages with 2 color figures. Minor revisions to match accepted versio