Diabetes insipidus was differentiated from psychogenic polydipsia by means of a simple infusion test. The subject was hydrated with 20 ml. of water/kg. by mouth over a period of 1 hr. Urine flow should be 5 ml./min. or over. Following adequate hydration an infusion of 2.5% NaCl was given at the rate of 0.25 ml./kg./min. for 45 min. and urine flow in ml./min. calculated. In normal subjects and patients with psychogenic polydipsia, there was a prompt decrease in urine flow with the infusion due to stimulation of the neurohypophysis and release of antidiuretic hormone, whereas patients with diabetes insipidus due to neuro-hypophysial lesions continued to diuresis during and after the infusion or until 0.1U. Pitressin was given intraven.