Insertional inactivation and cloning of the wA gene of Aspergillus nidulans.

We describe examples of wA gene inactivation (resulting in white conidiospores) obtained during transformation of Aspergillus nidulans. One wA- transformant was obtained by transformation with a prn+ plasmid of a strain with green conidia (wA+) which was unable to catabolize L-proline (prn-). This transformant contains a very large number of plasmid copies integrated at a single site inseparable from the wA locus. Passage of this transformant through the sexual cycle generated a variety of novel phenotypes for L-proline utilization, the number and frequency of which depended upon the cleistothecium from which the progeny were obtained, suggesting that the altered phenotypes were due to premeiotic events. The most extreme phenotype was severe hypersensitivity to L-proline. Hypersensitive progeny had a much reduced number of integrated plasmid copies enabling us to identify and clone putative prn-wA fusion sequences and subsequently retrieve wA sequences from a wild-type gene library. One of the wild-type clones overlapped the different sites of the insertional mutations in two wA- transformants and complemented the wA3 allele. Sequences within this clone hybridized to a transcript that was developmentally regulated in the wild type and absent in a number of mutants defective in conidiospore development. A reiterated sequence was also found in the region of the wA gene.