Electric Dipole Moment of the Neutron in theVAeiφTheory of Weak Interactions

We estimate the electric dipole moment d of the neutron in a theory where weak interactions are mediated by an intermediate boson and where CP violation arises from phase angles between vector and axial-vector currents. Following the dispersion-theoretic tadpole model of Babu and Suzuki, we evaluate d in terms of the π0 and η photoproduction amplitudes and the strengths of the π0 and η tadpoles. The strengths of these tadpoles are evaluated in the soft-pion and soft-η limits, respectively, by making use of the hypothesis of partially conserved axial-vector current, current algebra, and Weinberg's sum rules. The result is found to diverge logarithmically with the mass of the intermediate boson. The contribution of the η tadpole is found to be negligible for most cases, when compared with that of the π0 tadpole. Making reasonable estimates of the photoproduction amplitudes, the dipole moment is found to be |d|0.9(sinφ+0.06sinξ)×1019 e cm if the mass of the intermediate boson is 5 BeV; φ and ξ are the phase angles associated with the strangeness-conserving and strangeness-violating axial-vector currents, respectively.