Subventricular Zone Neural Stem Cells Remodel the Brain following Traumatic Injury in Adult Mice

Neural stem cells have recently been shown to contribute to the cellular remodeling that occurs following traumatic brain injury (TBI). Potential sources for these stem cells from within the brain include the subventricular zone of the lateral ventricles and the subgranular zone of the dentate gyrus. Using intraventricular injections of the fluorescent vital dye DiO in mice, we demonstrate that the subventricular zone population of stem cells can be reliably labeled and followed over time. By following these injections with a contralateral controlled cortical injury we demonstrate that cells from the subventricular zone migrate to the most proximally injured cortical areas. Using doublelabeling immunohistochemistry with anti-nestin, anti-GFAP, and anti-NeuN antibodies we demonstrate that labeled cells from the subventricular zone contribute primarily to the astroglial scar following injury. We do not observe any contribution to deeper areas of injury including the hippocampus. These data demonstrate that the subventricular zone contributes to brain remodeling following TBI, though neural stem cell sources outside the subventricular zone appear to play reparative roles as well.