Low-voltage high-mobility pentacene thin-film transistors with polymer/high-k oxide double gate dielectrics

We report on the fabrication of pentacene-based thin-film transistors (TFTs) with poly-4-vinylphenol (PVP)/yttrium oxide (YOx) double gate insulator films. The minimum PVP and YOx layer thicknesses were chosen to be 45 and 50nm , respectively. The PVP and YOx double dielectric layers with the minimum thicknesses exhibited a high dielectric capacitance of 70.8nFcm2 and quite a good dielectric strength of 2MVcm at a leakage current level of 106Acm2 while the leakage current from either PVP or YOx alone was too high. Our pentacene TFTs with the 45nm thin PVP50nm thin YOx films operated at 5V showing a high field effect mobility of 1.74cm2Vs and a decent on/off current ratio of 104 . Our work demonstrates that the PVPYOx double layer is a promising gate dielectric to realize low-voltage high-mobility organic TFTs.