Room Temperature Coulomb Oscillation of a Single Electron Switch with an Electrically Formed Quantum Dot and Its Modeling

The room temperature operation of a single electron switch fabricated by conventional Si large-scale integration (LSI) technologies has been demonstrated. The quantum dot formed by the electric field effect of a dual gate structure was miniaturized to a smaller size than the state-of-the-art feature size, using the controllable process technologies such as polysilicon reoxidation and polysilicon sidewall formation. Electrical measurement showed a room temperature Coulomb oscillation and a movement of the oscillation peak in two independently controllable tunnel junctions. Based on the device physics, the modified macro modeling of fabricated single electron switches was performed. Existing concept of single electron transistor (SET) macro modeling was first applied to the experimental result, and the circuit performance of the fabricated device was effectively predicted using this modeling scheme.