Intensities of electronic Raman scattering between crystal-field levels ofCe3+inLuPO4: Nonresonant and near-resonant excitation

The relative intensities of the electronic Raman scattering between individual crystal-field states of the 4f1 configuration of Ce3+ in LuPO4 are compared to those calculated with use of the standard second-order theory, and also by explicitly evaluating the sum over the virtual intermediate states using the crystal-field wave functions and observed energies of the 5d1 configuration. The results show that the explicit calculation predicts the observed relative intensities much more accurately than the standard theory. In addition, a change in the incident laser energy from the argon-ion green line (514.5 nm) to that of the frequency-tripled output of a Nd3+:YAG (355 nm) laser results in enhancements of the electronic Raman scattering intensities by factors on the order of 100. These enhancements are accurately predicted by the explicit calculation.