A comprehensive report and analysis of our observations of numerous parity-allowed direct two-photon transitions within the 4f7 configuration of the Gd3+ ion is presented. The experimental technique is ultraviolet fluorescence detection following optical excitation with a dye-laser beam. Previous results and analyses are extended in three ways. (1) The intensities and polarization dependence of individual Stark components, in addition to integrated multiplet intensities, are reported and analyzed for Gd3+:LaF3. In those cases (S728P526,D92,32,526) where a second-order theory of two-photon absorption adequately explains the integrated intensity, it also (with the exception of D926) explains the Stark-component intensities. The remaining transitions are anomalously strong, and in some cases violate the angular momentum selection rules ΔL,ΔJ2 and exhibit strong anisotropies, in contradiction to the second-order theory. It is shown that introduction of third- and fourth-order contributions involving spin-orbit and/or crystal-field interactions among levels of the 4f65d configuration, which serve as intermediate states, can account for both the integrated and Stark-component intensities of these transitions. (2) The strong anisotropy observed for the transitions S728P326,IJ6,D126 in Gd3+:LaF3 is explained quantitatively as a polarization-dependent interference between contributions to the intensity which are comparable in magnitude. Interference is destructive for Ez^ and constructive for Ez^, creating an order-of-magnitude contrast in the line strength for the two polarizations. (3) A two-photon excitation spectrum of