E1transitions inF17. I. The low-lyingT=32states

The O16(p, γ0,1)F17 reaction was studied in the region of previously reported low-lying T=32 states in F17. Resonances were observed at Ep=11.275±0.006, 12.711±0.006, 13.255±0.006, 14.435±0.010, and 14.583±0.006 MeV with (2JR+1)ΓP0ΓγΓ=1.2±0.4, 13.6±3.5, 2.5±1.5, 13.0±5.9, and 11.8±5.3 eV, respectively. Using reported values for (2JR+1)ΓP0Γ, radiative widths Γγ=6.0±2.5, 11.3±3.4, 2.8±1.8, 81±54, and 13.4±7.0 eV were deduced for the respective resonances. Shell model 2p-1h calculations using realistic Kuo-Brown interaction matrix elements were performed. The computed excitation energies and B(E1) values were found to agree with the experimental results.