A unified description of scattering cross sections as well as bound and quasibound states for the systems α+16O and α+15N is presented. Optical potentials have been extracted from the analysis of elastic α-scattering data on O16 and N15 in a wide range of energies. Special emphasis was given to the α+16O scattering at energies near the Coulomb barrier. The real part of the potential was calculated using the double-folding procedure. Effective nucleon-nucleon interactions with different density dependence as well as zero-range and finite-range knock-on-exchange potentials are investigated. The dispersive part of the real potential was calculated using the dispersion relation of the optical potential. Together with the dominating channel potential it reproduces the observed energy dependence of the volume integral of the real part of the potential. We calculate the energies and other properties of bound and resonance α-cluster states in Ne20 and F19 and find good agreement with the experimental data. As an application of the derived energy dependence of the optical potential we calculate α+16O excitation functions in the energy range from 10 to 30 MeV. In this region strong resonances in the compound system are observed.