Surface barrier detectors at 16-18 angles measured simultaneously the differential cross sections for the reactions O16(α,α0α1α2α3α4α5)O16 in the bombarding energy range from 14.6 to 20.4 MeV and in steps of 10 keV. For Eα>18 MeV peak fitting techniques separated the yields of α1 (Q=6.05 MeV) from α2 (Q=6.13 MeV). The target was a differentially pumped windowless gas target of high purity O2. A total of 25 levels in Ne20 (16<Ex<21 MeV) were analyzed by writing the reaction amplitude for spinless positive-parity particles as a nonresonant term which varies linearly with energy plus a sum over only resonant partial waves. Inelastic scattering angular distributions were expanded in terms of Legendre polynomials for Eα>18 MeV.