Broadening and shift of the sodium diffuse series by noble gas

The impact broadening due to He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe of the Na 3pP1224dD322 (5683 Å) line has been measured at a temperature of 500 °K. In addition, impact shifts of this line and other diffuse series lines up to the transitions from 6dD2 have also been determined. The observed broadening and shift rates are in agreement with Lindholm-Foley calculations using semiempirical alkali-metal-noble-gas potentials reported previously. A comparison of calculated and observed shifts show that alkali-metal-helium potentials are somewhat more repulsive than previously thought, and also that the collision-averaged potentials corresponding to 3pP322 are less attractive than those for 3pP122. We conclude that the use of these potentials in the impact approximation will predict the broadening and shift of alkali-metal spectral lines by noble gases with an accuracy of 10-20%.