A Mentoring Model for Management in Sport and Physical Education

Several authors (Dreher & Ash, 1990; Fagenson, 1989, 1992; Hunt & Michael, 1983; Kram, 1985; Newby & Heide, 1992; Scandura, 1992) have emphasized the importance of mentoring in facilitating onc's progress through a career in management. This paper presents a mentoring model that combines the various factors impinging on mentoring and the associated outcomes in a compre hensive framework. In the model, a set of antecedent mentor and protégé characteristics, including demogaphics and traits. lead to certain mentoring functions, which subsequently result in specified outcomes. The stages of a mentoring relationship—initiation, cultivation, and redefinition—are explained. Mentoring functions. relate both lo career mobility and personal achievement and growth. Mentoring benefits al1 parties—protégé, mentor, and organization. The model also includes intervening variables that modify the relationships among antecedents. mentoring stages and functions, and outcome variable. The paper outlines implications of and guidelines for mentoring in sport and physical education organizations.