Dichloroacetate Prevents and Reverses Pulmonary Hypertension by Inducing Pulmonary Artery Smooth Muscle Cell Apoptosis

The pulmonary arteries (PA) in pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) are constricted and remodeled;. They have suppressed apoptosis, partly attributable to suppression of the bone morphogenetic protein axis and selective downregulation of PA smooth muscle cell (PASMC) voltage-gated K + channels, including Kv1.5. The Kv downregulation-induced increase in [K + ] i , tonically inhibits caspases, further suppressing apoptosis. Mitochondria control apoptosis and produce activated oxygen species like H 2 O 2 , which regulate vascular tone by activating K + channels, but their role in PAH is unknown. We show that dichloroacetate (DCA), a metabolic modulator that increases mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, prevents and reverses established monocrotaline-induced PAH (MCT-PAH), significantly improving mortality. Compared with MCT-PAH, DCA-treated rats (80 mg/kg per day in drinking water on day 14 after MCT, studied on day 21) have decreased pulmonary, but not systemic, vascular resistance (63% decrease, P P P 2 O 2 and cytochrome c, inducing a 10-fold increase in apoptosis within the PA media (TUNEL and caspase 3 activity) and decreasing proliferation (proliferating-cell nuclear antigen and BrdU assays). Immunoblots, immunohistochemistry, laser-captured microdissection-quantitative reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction and patch-clamping show that DCA reverses the Kv1.5 downregulation in resistance PAs. In summary, DCA reverses PA remodeling by increasing the mitochondria-dependent apoptosis/proliferation ratio and upregulating Kv1.5 in the media. We identify mitochondria-dependent apoptosis as a potential target for therapy and DCA as an effective and selective treatment for PAH.

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