Preliminary investigation of a NiAl composite prepared by cryomilling

An attempt has been made to improve the high temperature mechanical strength of the B2 cubic crystal structure intermetallic NiAl by dispersion strengthening. Prealloyed Ni–51 (at.%) Al was cryomilled with a Y2O3addition to form an yttria dispersoid within the intermetallic matrix. Following milling, the powder was hot extruded to full density and machined into test coupons. Compression testing between 1200 and 1400 K indicated that the cryogenic process yielded the strongest NiAl based material tested to date: creep resistance was six times better than NiAl and twice that of a NiAl particulate composite containing 10 vol.% TiB2. Surprisingly, transmission electron microscopy revealed that the second phase was inhomogeneously distributed. Furthermore, x-ray analysis indicated that the second phase was not Y2O3but rather AIN.