This Letter presents the results of optical spectrophotometry of two blue stellar objects identified at the centers of two strong, compact X-ray sources located nearly symmetrically on either side of the LINER/Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 2639 in the direction of its minor axis. The spectra presented here show that both are QSOs with remarkably similar spectra; the redshifts are, for NGC 2639 No. 8, z = 0.3048 ± 0.0012, and for NGC 2639 No. 3, z = 0.3232 ± 0.0004 (the former confirms an earlier identification and redshift measurement by Arp). Their location with respect to NGC 2639, the similarity of their optical spectra and redshifts, and their strong compact X-ray emission suggest that they are associated with NGC 2639, in line with the results of an analysis on ROSAT archival data in which an apparently statistically significant excess of strong compact X-ray sources has been found in the fields of X-ray-emitting Seyfert galaxies.