Purpose: We evaluated endoscopically the changes of the peripheral retinaand the ciliary body after large retinectomies. Methods: The peripheral retinaand the ciliary body of 5 patients with anterior proliferative vitreoretinopathy afterlarge retinectomies (>180°) were visualized endoscopically. Results: The endoscope allowed a complete assessment of the peripheral retina and the ciliarybody. Even the 12 o'clock part of the eye could be evaluated with the 30° optic.The peripheral retina, a fibrosis and a detachment of the ciliary body can be visualizedand assessed. The cause of the postoperative hypotony after large retinectomies is mainly related to fibrosis and detachment of the ciliary body. Surgeons can expect a postoperative hypotony if fibrosis and a large detachment of the ciliary body is seen during surgery with the help of an endoscope. Conclusion: Endoscopic vitreoretinal visualization of the pars plana and ciliary body is a useful additional technique after large retinectomies in the treatment of anterior PVR.