Three-Dimensional Orientation Distribution Function of Crystals in Cold-Rolled Copper

The three-dimensional orientation distribution function of crystallites in cold-rolled copper sheets has been calculated from 512 individual selected area electron-diffraction orientation determinations as well as from (111), (200), and (220) pole figures which were determined by x-ray diffraction. In both cases tube-shaped orientation distributions with comparable dispersion were obtained. In case of the electron-diffraction data the orientation density decreases from a value of 15 times the random distribution value at the brass orientation, (101) [1̄2̄1], to a value of only five times the random distribution value at the orientation (112) [4̄6̄5]. A second density maximum appears in the vicinity of the orientation (213) [4̄7̄5]. The width at half-maximum intensity of the spread in the direction perpendicular to the axis of the tube amounts to about 5°. The accuracy and uniqueness of the calculated orientation distribution function are discussed.