Measurements of human cerebral GABA at 4.1 T using numerically optimized editing pulses

The goal of this work was to develop and evaluate a numerically optimized inversion pulse to be used with a homonuclear editing sequence to measure human cerebral GABA 117 vivo at 4.1 T in the occipital lobe. The optimized pulse was constructed using pallindromic symmetry with 30 pulses and 29 delays. The optimized pulse provided greater selectivity than the equivalent bandwidth matched DANTE pulse and sine shaped DANTE. The improved selectivity reduced the co‐editing of the macromolecule resonance, permitting the GABA edited doublet to be resolved in vivo. Using cerebral creatine as a reference, 7.1 mM, the measured GABA level was 1.15 ± 0.13 mM in the occipital lobe.