A recent report describing pantomimed administration of the WISC-R Performance Scale (WISC-R PS) to hearing-impaired (HI) children (Courtney, Hayes, Couch, & Frick, 1984) suggests that psychologists may use pantomimed administration procedures for assessing the intellectual potential of HI children. A critical review of the results and reasoning of Courtney et al. does not support this conclusion. Specifically, the interpretation of Courtney et al. that lower WISC-R PS subtest means are due to sampling procedures is contradicted by other studies demonstrating that lower subtest means are due to pantomimed administration. Most important, the suggestion that HI children may be assessed using pantomimed directions contradicts recommended practices, abrogates HI children's legal rights, and violates ethical psychological practice. Assessment procedures for psychologists lacking communication skills and expertise in deafness are presented as alternatives to pantomimed administration of the WISC-R PS.