A comparison is made of those data obtained from ESCA and from hyperfine interactions that bear on the same problems. A formal Hamiltonian can be written in which ESCA shifts and structure are discussed as E0, M1, E2,... terms. Under the E0 term core-level shifts are compared with isomer shifts and diamagnetic shifts. The M1 term refers to exchange splitting (core polarization). Multiplet splitting can identify local moments with fluctuation times down to 10-15 s. Rare earths and the 3d group are considered. The E2 term yields a crystal-field energy transforming as Y 2 0 and correlated with e 2 qQ in metals. Finally the valence-band density of states in noble metals can be related to a Y 4 term if nearest neighbors in metals are effectively negative; i.e., conduction electrons, rather than ion cores, are dominant.