The Role of Fine Roots in the Organic Matter and Nitrogen Budgets of Two Forested Ecosystems

Standing crop, rates of production, mortality, decomposition, and nitrogen dynamics of two size classes of fine roots (0—05 mm and 0.5—3.0 mm diameter) were estimated for 1 yr in a 53—yr—old red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.) plantation and in an adjacent 80—yr—old mixed hardwood stand in north—central Massachusetts. Dry matter of live fine roots was higher in the hardwoods (mean = 6.1 Mg/ha; annual range 3.6—8.6 Mg/ha) than in the plantation (mean = 5.1 Mg/ha; annual range 2.5—7.8 Mg/ha.) Dead root mass was similar in the hardwoods (mean = 4.4 Mg/ha) and the plantation (mean = 4.0 Mg/ha). Nitrogen standing crop of live roots in the hardwoods was higher than in the plantation (mean = 65 kg/ha and 42 kg/ha, respectively). Net fine root production was estimated from changes in standing crop. Production estimates ranged from 4.1 to 11.4 Mg°ha1°yr1 in the hardwoods and from 3.2 to 10.9 Mg°ha1°yr1 in the plantation, depending on the assumptions made in the calculations. Concurrent estimates of total nitrogen requirement for this production ranged from 73 to 184 kg°ha1°yr1 in the hardwoods and from 44 to 122 kg°ha1°yr1 in the plantation. Decomposition, measured as mass loss from buried cloth bags, was °20% in 0.4—mm mesh bags and as high as 47% in 3—mm mesh bags after 1 yr. Integrating production and nitrogen requirements with estimates of decomposition rates and nitrogen mineralization for these ecosystems suggested that the lower estimates of production are more accurate.