Quantum beats in the radiation field of "three-level" atoms are analyzed by means of a previously developed boson-second-quantization (BSQ) formalism. Two types of atoms are considered: type I, in which beats are due to transitions from each of two closely spaced upper levels to a single lower level, and type II, in which beats are due to transitions between a single upper level and each of two closely spaced lower levels. This classification is motivated by the claim found in the literature that semiclassical theory and quantum theory give qualitatively different results concerning the existence of beats in the case of type-II atoms. The terminology associated with beats is made precise by distinguishing between amplitude modulation at the beat frequency of the transition frequency field E, and the existence of a spectral component at the beat frequency in E2. With respect to the former, no qualitative difference is found in the predictions from semiclassical theory and quantum theory; with respect to the latter, results that appear paradoxical from an intuitive viewpoint are discussed. It is shown that for the case in which the atoms are all in the same coherent superposition of energy states, with all levels occupied, semiclassical and quantum-mechanical results become equivalent as the number of atoms increases. Reference is made to the disturbance caused by the measurement processes in the case of a single atom. The essential difference in spontaneous emission beats between type-I and type-II atoms [with the ground state(s) unoccupied] is explained by the fact that the phase of the beat amplitude may be determined by preparation of the initial state in type-I atoms but may not be determined in type-II atoms.